
  • Mastering The Art Of Gratitude To Achieve Success

    Mastering The Art Of Gratitude To Achieve Success

    Gratitude. I’m sure you have heard of this word before and you probably know that it simply means a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. Gratitude may be a mouthful to pronounce but the act of showing it is actually rather simple and effective to implement. Knowing the power and potential of showing gratitude and subsequently applying it accordingly can be the single most decisive factor in ensuring better degrees of success for yourself.

    What Gratitude Can Do for You

    Let’s dwell a little on exactly what gratitude can do for you and subsequently your success. Gratitude instills a positive feeling in you and the people you show it to. It alters your perspective of negative feelings, thoughts or beliefs you may have of yourself or others by alerting these feelings, thoughts and beliefs to the things you are grateful for. Gratitude raises your awareness and focus and it can inspire you to achieve better for yourself and the people around you.

    In fact, there are numerous other benefits of gratitude. Yet, many people still do not or refuse to shower themselves or the people around them with gratitude. Instead, they put themselves and others down by criticism and condemnation. To see if you fall under this category, take the next few seconds to ponder over the following questions:

    1.  What exactly are the obstacles that are holding you back from showing gratitude to yourself and to others?
    2. How can you overcome these obstacles?
    3. How can you unleash an onslaught of gratitude to yourself and to others?

    The obstacles you came up with above are probably mostly negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs that you may possess that are probably not only hindering you from showing gratitude but they are also holding you back from success. However, the main goal of this blog post is to show you the importance of showing gratitude and how you can go about doing it. I will not touch in depth about how to overcome these negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs. But there are many resources out there to help you with this. And you may even find some suggestions in some of my past blog posts.  

    Showing Gratitude to Yourself

    Now that you are clearer about the benefits of gratitude, let’s first talk about how you can start showing gratitude to yourself. To start doing this, you must first be appreciative of all your achievements - be it big or small - that you have experienced so far in your life. Ask yourself: when was the last time you actually rewarded yourself for those achievements? If you have constantly been doing so, then good for you and keep it up. If not, then it’s about time you start indulging or pampering yourself with some simple or extravagant (whichever is appropriate) rewards for all your past achievements and the future ones.

    Next, be appreciative of the things you have - your job, work place, your health, your talents, your house, wealth, family, food and surroundings. Although it may seem challenging to directly demonstrate gratitude towards these aspects there are effective ways to cultivate appreciation. One such approach is by creating a list of these things and writing thank-you notes for each item, expressing your gratitude. By listing down these elements, you create a tangible reminder of their significance in your life. When you find yourself feeling sad or depressed, referring back to this list and reading the thank-you notes can have an immediate positive effect on your emotions. It serves as a reminder of the abundance and blessings you have, allowing you to shift your focus from negativity to gratitude.

    Showing Gratitude to Others

    Expressing gratitude to the people around you is a meaningful way to strengthen relationships, foster positivity, and create a sense of appreciation. While there are numerous ways to show gratitude, I will highlight a few simple yet important methods that you can easily implement. Feel free to explore additional ways that resonate with you and align with your relationships.

    Verbal Appreciation 

    One of the simplest and most effective ways to show gratitude is by expressing it verbally. Take the time to sincerely thank the people around you for their kindness, support, or any positive impact they have had on your life. This could be as simple as saying "thank you" or going into detail about how their actions have made a difference. Genuine words of appreciation can go a long way in brightening someone's day and strengthening your connection with them.

    Handwritten Notes or Letters

    In our digital age, a handwritten note or letter carries a unique and personal touch. Take the opportunity to write a heartfelt message expressing your gratitude to someone who has made a positive impact in your life. It could be a friend, family member, colleague, or mentor. Highlight specific actions or qualities that you appreciate about them and let them know how their presence has made a difference.

    Acts of Kindness

    Show your gratitude through acts of kindness. Small gestures such as offering to help with a task, running an errand, or surprising someone with a thoughtful gift can demonstrate your appreciation. These acts show that you value the person and their well-being, and they often create a positive ripple effect.

    Quality Time and Active Listening

    Spending quality time with the people around you and actively listening to them is another powerful way to show gratitude. Dedicate uninterrupted time to engage in meaningful conversations, listen attentively to their thoughts and concerns, and show genuine interest in their lives. By giving them your undivided attention, you communicate that their presence and perspectives matter to you.


    Publicly recognizing and praising someone's accomplishments or positive qualities can be a great way to show gratitude. Whether it's in a team meeting, social gathering, or social media platform, publicly acknowledge and commend the efforts and contributions of the people you appreciate. This not only makes them feel valued but also inspires others to express gratitude and foster a culture of appreciation.

    Showing gratitude to the people around you is an ongoing practice. By implementing these simple yet powerful methods, you can cultivate a culture of appreciation, strengthen your relationships, and create a positive and uplifting environment for yourself and those around you.


    Gratitude. The word may be a little complex to pronounce but there is actually nothing complex about performing the act of showing gratitude. Always bear in mind that when you show gratitude to yourself, the things and the people around you, you will definitely hold the key to unlocking your personal growth and ultimately your success.

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  • The One Two Punch For Success: Authenticity And Alignment

    The One Two Punch For Success: Authenticity And Alignment

    Have you ever felt as if you are beating your head against a wall?  You repeatedly try to reach a goal but you never seem to achieve it.  Instead, you are struggling rather than moving forward and achieving your goals with grace and ease.

    You are not alone.  Unfortunately, the struggle to move from what we don’t want to what we do want is a fundamental struggle for many individuals.  Believe it or not, it is very common for people to struggle against what they want and to actively limit their good. In order to have what you want, you must be willing to end the struggle and move into action.  Your success is dependent on your ability to reach your goals and achieve them.

     The easiest way to move from “stuck” into action without struggle is to be authentic and in alignment with your authenticity.  Authenticity means that you are connected to your core and that your desires are a true reflection of your inner self and soul.

    The Meaning of Alignment 

    Alignment means that your entire being is in agreement with the goal you want to achieve.  For example, you come home from work one evening and you are very tired.  But this evening is your workout night.  You sit on the couch and actually have to talk yourself into getting into your gym clothes and heading off to the gym.  What you did in convincing part of yourself to go to the gym when you really wanted to rest on the couch is called alignment.  You got yourself into alignment with the idea and intention of going to the gym no matter how tired a part of you felt. 

    To end the struggle and successfully achieve goals, all parts of you must work together for manifestation.  That means all bodies, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual, must be in agreement concerning a goal.  There can be no doubts, limiting beliefs, or attachments.  The following describes a process you can use to do an authenticity check concerning your goals and bring yourself into alignment with your goals.

    Step One - Create a Peaceful, Serene, and Nurturing Space for Yourself

    Creating a peaceful and nurturing environment for yourself is crucial when it comes to fostering alignment with your goals. Find a space that brings you a sense of comfort and security, whether it's a cozy corner in your home or a tranquil spot in nature. Take a few moments to settle into this space and embrace the quietude it offers. With a pen and paper within reach, allow yourself to engage in a period of introspection focused on your goal.

    In this serene setting, let your thoughts flow freely and delve into the depths of your aspirations. Reflect on your desires, motivations, and the path you envision for yourself. Write down any insights, inspirations, or ideas that arise during this contemplative process. By channeling your thoughts onto paper, you can give them tangible form and better comprehend the intricacies of your intentions.

    Step Two - The Authenticity Check

    Take a moment to connect with your inner self and genuinely inquire whether the goal you've set is truly appropriate for you to pursue at this particular juncture in your life. Listen closely to the whispers of your intuition and trust the response that arises within you. If it resonates as a resounding "yes," then you can confidently proceed to the next step, knowing that you are aligned with your authentic path.

    However, if the answer from within suggests otherwise, view it as an invitation to delve deeper into your soul's desires. By acknowledging this response, you transcend the confines of the ego and tap into the wisdom of your higher self.

    Let go of any superficial or ego-driven desires, and open yourself up to discovering a goal that is more in alignment with your soul's purpose. By doing so, you invite a profound transformation where your goals become more genuine, meaningful, and aligned with your innermost aspirations.

    Through this process of introspection and soul-searching, you transcend the limitations of the mind and allow the essence of your being to guide you. By heeding the calling of your soul, you embark on a journey of authenticity, where your goals reflect your deepest desires and contribute to your overall growth and fulfillment. Embrace this opportunity to align with your soul's yearnings, and watch as your goals become a true reflection of your authentic self.

    Step Three - Alignment

    As you continue your journey toward alignment, it's time to establish a connection with each aspect of your being. Remain in your serene and comfortable space, and begin by engaging in a conversation with your mental body. This step will be repeated for each of the bodies—mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional.

    Inquire whether your mental body is willing to align itself with your chosen goal. This question aims to uncover any blocks or limitations residing within your mental body that may hinder your progress. If the response is affirmative, move on to the next body without delay.

    However, if the answer is no, it's important to engage in a compassionate dialogue with this part of yourself. Initiate a conversation and inquire about the reasons behind its hesitation. Ask open-ended questions, such as why it's unwilling to align with the goal and what it would take to establish that alignment. Often, fear or insecurity underlies this resistance. 

    Assure this part that it is taken care of and safe, dispelling any concerns or apprehensions it may hold. Have an open and honest conversation, providing it with the reassurance and support it needs to align with the authentic goal. Once you have gained the willingness of all your bodies, express gratitude for their support in manifesting this authentic goal. Affirm your alignment with the goal and your unwavering intention to bring it to fruition.

    By engaging in these dialogues and fostering understanding among your different bodies, you create a unified front that paves the way for the manifestation of your goals.


    By completing this process, you have created an authentic goal and brought yourself into full alignment with this goal.  You can now move forward without struggle because all blocks have been removed.  Success shall be yours.

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  • The Art Of Daydreaming

    The Art Of Daydreaming

    Do you have any idea what you think about all day? It sounds like a silly question, but most of us don’t actually observe the drama that’s constantly going on inside our heads. 

    You’ve heard the saying “Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it!!” This is the universal Law of Attraction at work and it applies to all of us. Unless we make a conscious effort to watch ourselves from the sidelines, our everyday thoughts and our reactions to the environment are largely habitual. 

    We do our daily work and we plan and we interact with our fellow human beings, but in between we also have secret fears, grudges, and a great deal of negative self-talk. How is your life going? If you really pay attention carefully, you’ll begin to see that the reality outside yourself mirrors what is going on inside your head.

    Daydreaming and the Law of Attraction

    What you focus on expands. If you are constantly worrying about this or that…then guess what? You will attract more events in your life to worry about. It really is that simple.

    If you tell yourself NOT to worry about something…well you are focused on it, so you ARE worrying about it. The trick is to think about what you DO want and not what you DON’T want.

    The key to shifting this pattern lies in consciously redirecting your thoughts toward what you do want instead of fixating on what you don't want. It may not be easy to change long-standing thinking habits, but simply becoming aware of them is a positive step forward. As you become more attuned to your internal dramas and worries, you can catch yourself in the moment and make an effort to replace negative thoughts with more uplifting ones.

    By choosing thoughts that make you feel better, you begin to break free from the grip of your current struggles and move forward. This shift in perspective allows you to go with the flow and experience a sense of relief. Sometimes, this process involves processing and releasing negative emotions such as anger or a desire for revenge. While these emotions may not be the ultimate goal, they can serve as stepping stones toward transcending depression or despair.

    Slowing down your mind and practicing presence are instrumental in improving your state of mind and mood. By consciously focusing on the present moment, you release attachment to the past or worries about the future. Various techniques can help you achieve this state of presence, such as meditation, prayer, nature walks, or making a gratitude list. Incorporating these practices into your daily routine, even if only for a short time, can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

    Igniting Creativity and Innovation

    Daydreaming is a playground for our thoughts and desires. It is where we can explore uncharted territories, manifest our deepest aspirations, and give life to our wildest fantasies. It is a sanctuary where our ideas can roam free, untethered by the constraints of practicality or judgment.

    When we daydream, we tap into the wellspring of our creativity. It is the birthplace of great ideas, innovative solutions, and groundbreaking discoveries. Think about it—some of the most influential thinkers and visionaries in history were avid daydreamers. They dared to let their minds wander and ventured into unexplored territories, leading to revolutionary breakthroughs that shaped our world.

    Consider the story of Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist. Einstein often credited his theory of relativity to his daydreaming sessions. During these moments of introspection and mental drifting, his mind roamed freely, unburdened by the constraints of conventional thinking. It was within the depths of his daydreams that he was able to visualize and formulate his groundbreaking theories, forever changing our understanding of the universe.

    Similarly, the artistic genius of Leonardo da Vinci was fueled by his ability to immerse himself in daydreams. His vivid imagination allowed him to explore the realms of science, art, and invention, ultimately producing masterpieces that still captivate the world today. By allowing his thoughts to roam freely and embracing the power of daydreaming, da Vinci was able to bring forth creations that were far ahead of his time.

    Finding Inspiration and Passion

    Within the landscape of our daydreams, we can paint a vivid picture of a career that aligns with our passions and talents. We can imagine ourselves engaged in work that brings us deep satisfaction and allows us to make a meaningful impact. These daydreams become beacons, guiding us toward our true path and serving as a reminder of the direction we aspire to take.

    Similarly, daydreaming nurtures the longing for nurturing and fulfilling relationships. In our reverie, we can visualize connections that are authentic, supportive, and inspiring. We can imagine the warmth of deep friendships, the tenderness of romantic partnerships, and the camaraderie of a like-minded community. These daydreams become a source of hope and motivation, guiding us to cultivate and seek out relationships that enrich our lives.

    The power of daydreaming lies not only in the inspiration it provides but also in its ability to propel us toward action. As we immerse ourselves in our daydreams, we generate a sense of excitement and a vision of what is possible. These visions become a driving force, spurring us to take steps toward turning our dreams into reality.

    Daydreams become the fuel for setting goals and creating actionable plans. They help us define our desires and clarify our priorities. By continuously revisiting our daydreams, we reinforce our motivation, maintain focus, and build resilience in the face of obstacles. They become a source of resilience, reminding us of the purpose and passion that lies within us.


    As you are all aware, personal changes can sometimes bring about a certain amount of upheaval in your life, but that is perfectly normal. Recognizing the chaos as part of the process will help to keep you moving forward.

    So, go ahead, find a quiet moment, close your eyes, and let your mind dance among the stars. Embrace the magic within and let your daydreams shape your reality. Happy daydreaming!

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  • The Power of a Dream

    The Power of a Dream

    As a high school art teacher, I was often deeply inspired by listening to teenagers' dreams for the future. I especially loved watching my students realize that it is ok to dream and be proud of what you have done in your life and where you want to go.

    As adults, we need to realize that the power of a dream will enable you to achieve whatever your ultimate "WHY" in life is. By the age of 25, most people lose their dreams and fall into a rut. From the age of 25-65, people generally go back and forth to work and say to themselves, “I wish...if only I could have...if only I knew then what I know now," and numerous other lamentations as to why they do not feel fulfilled in life. The key in life to feeling fulfilled is to simply listen to your inner spirit and do what you love to do, and to continue to dream and work towards achieving your DREAMS!

    Ask Yourself

    The keyword in that sentence is DREAMS!  Too many people when asked, "Where do you see yourself 2-5 years from now" give the answer, "Just let me make it to this weekend."  The underlying reason that they don’t know where they are going to be is because they have no dreams.  This can be extremely frightening!  

    The majority of my high school students had dreams for their life and where they see themselves in the future.  As a teacher, I loved to empower my students to find their WHY in life -- to catapult them to attain their dreams in life.  I also spoke often to my students about how the people you surround yourself with are so important, and I encouraged them to find and surround themselves with a group of friends (aka a mastermind) that will push them and encourage them to achieve their dreams. 

    As an overall population, over 95% of adults have no mastermind team but they have a group of so-called friends, who will often tell every reason why they should never try to win and just accept their life.  You need to stop right now and take a personal inventory of your life and ask yourself three life-changing questions:

    1) WHAT is my WHY in LIFE!!!  (Why am I getting up each and every day?)

    2) WHO is my Mastermind Team?

    3) WHERE do I see myself 2-5 years from now?

    When you answer these questions you need to be honest with yourself and tell yourself the truth because the truth shall set you FREE! 

    Discovering Your "Why"

    The first step on the path to finding your "why" is to embark on a journey of self-reflection. Set aside time in your day to pause, disconnect from distractions, and delve into introspection. Ask yourself thought-provoking questions such as, "What brings me joy and fulfillment?" or "What do I value most in life?" This process of self-discovery will help you gain clarity and unearth the passions and desires that drive you.

    Curiosity is a powerful compass that can lead you to your purpose. Pay attention to the activities and subjects that pique your interest and ignite your curiosity. Explore new hobbies, read books, attend workshops or seminars, and engage in conversations with people who inspire you.

    Each of us possesses unique talents and strengths. Recognizing and nurturing these strengths can lead to a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Take time to identify your core strengths—what you excel at and what comes naturally to you. Reflect on how you can utilize these strengths to make a positive impact on the world around you.

    The journey of finding your "why" is not a linear path. It involves growth, exploration, and adaptability. Embrace change as a catalyst for personal development and be open to new experiences that stretch your comfort zone. Remember that your "why" may evolve over time, and that's perfectly normal. Stay curious, embrace new challenges, and be willing to adjust your course as you gain deeper insights into your purpose.

    Finding Your Mastermind Team

    Human connection plays a vital role in our pursuit of purpose. Surround yourself with individuals who inspire, support, and challenge you to grow. Engage in deep conversations, share your aspirations, and listen to the stories and experiences of others. Meaningful connections can provide valuable insights, expose you to new perspectives, and even introduce you to opportunities that align with your "why."

    Remember, building meaningful connections takes time and effort. Be patient, open-minded, and willing to give as much as you receive. By actively seeking out individuals who inspire, support, and challenge you to grow, you'll create a network of positive influences that can propel you toward your goals and help you become the best version of yourself. Your mastermind does not need to be people you meet with in person. They can be a group you have found on the internet or social media that you connect with virtually. 

    Crafting Your Life Plan for the Next 2-5 Years

    Building a life plan is like charting a course for the next 2-5 years, allowing us to set goals, prioritize our aspirations, and navigate the path toward a brighter future.

    Take some time to visualize where you want to be in the next 2-5 years. Envision your ideal lifestyle, career, relationships, personal growth, and any other areas of importance to you.

    Once you have a clear vision and goals in mind, identify the action steps required to achieve them. Break down each goal into actionable tasks and create a timeline for completion. Assign deadlines to hold yourself accountable and ensure steady progress toward your objectives.

    Life is unpredictable, and it's important to embrace flexibility and adaptability as you pursue your life plan. Be open to new opportunities, adjust your goals if needed, and learn from any obstacles or setbacks you encounter. Remember that the journey toward your desired future is a dynamic process, and your plan may evolve as you grow and learn more about yourself.


    The key to living a fulfilled life is waking up each day with a driving desire to achieve your "WHY”.  The key to winning in life is to be part of a winning team and realize life decisions are challenging but very beneficial. Bring your Dreams back to life and embrace the journey!

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