
  • How to Quickly Relax

    How to Quickly Relax

    Why should you learn how to relax fast? Because stress is more than just unpleasant. It's also dangerous. Many diseases are now known to be caused by or made worse by stress, but you can do something about it. Just try these relaxation techniques today, and use them whenever you feel that tension coming on.

    Have a Hot Shower

    Taking a hot shower can be an effective and quick way to relax both the mind and body. The hot water can help to loosen up tense muscles and promote relaxation. The break from more stressful activities can also provide a much-needed mental break and help to reduce stress levels.

    The warm water can also help to soothe the nervous system and increase blood flow to the muscles, which can help to relieve tension and promote relaxation. This can be particularly helpful for those who suffer from chronic pain or muscle tension. You can also add some aromatherapy to your shower routine by using scented shower gels or essential oils. Lavender and chamomile are known for their calming properties and can help to promote relaxation.

    Play Relaxing Music 

    Music can affect our emotions and mood profoundly. The right type of music can help to calm our minds, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. If you're looking for a quick and easy way to relax, playing some relaxing music could be just what you need.

    The first step is to experiment and find which type of music works best for you. Everyone has their preferences when it comes to music, so it's important to find the type of music that helps you to relax the most effectively. Some people prefer classical music, while others may prefer instrumental or nature sounds. Others may find that they prefer more upbeat music, such as jazz or world music.

    Once you've found the type of music that works best for you, it's a good idea to keep it on hand so that you can access it whenever you need it. This could be a relaxation CD that you keep in your car or at your office, or it could be a playlist that you have saved on your phone or computer.

    Go Somewhere Else

    If you're in a stressful environment, such as a busy office or a crowded store, stepping outside for a few minutes can make a big difference. Simply taking a walk around the block or finding a quiet park bench to sit on can help you to clear your mind and reduce stress levels.

    If you can't leave the immediate area, try moving to a different room or space. This can be particularly helpful if the source of stress is associated with the room or space you're currently in. For example, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your office, try moving to a different area of the office where you can work without distraction.

    If you're at home and feeling stressed, consider going for a drive or taking a walk in your neighbourhood. This can help you to get some fresh air and clear your mind. You may also want to consider finding a quiet spot, such as a park or a local library, where you can spend some time in solitude.

    Getting away from the source of stress can also give you a new perspective and help you to see things more clearly. When you're in the midst of a stressful situation, it can be difficult to think clearly or make rational decisions. By stepping away from the situation for a little while, you can come back with a fresh perspective and a clearer mind.

    Have a Cup of Chamomile Tea 

    Chamomile tea has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. Chamomile tea is widely available in health food stores, grocery stores, and online.

    Chamomile is believed to have a calming effect on the nerves, which can help to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. It contains compounds called flavonoids, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds may help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, which is both associated with chronic stress and anxiety.

    In addition to its calming properties, drinking a hot cup of tea can be a relaxing experience in itself. The warmth of the tea can help to soothe tense muscles and promote a sense of calm.

    Watch Your Mind

    Watching your mind means being aware of your thoughts and emotions, and observing them without judgment. When you're feeling stressed, it can be easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions, which can make the situation worse. By paying attention to your thoughts and emotions, you can become more aware of what is causing your stress and take steps to address it.

    Have a Laugh

    Laughter is a natural stress reliever and has been shown to have a positive effect on the mind and body. When we laugh, our brain releases endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals that help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

    One way to laugh is to find someone who knows all the best jokes. Spending time with someone who has a great sense of humor can be a great way to unwind and forget about your stress for a little while. Whether it's a friend, coworker, or family member, finding someone who can make you laugh is a great way to promote relaxation.

    Another way to laugh is to find something funny in front of you. This could be a funny meme, a comedic TV show or movie, or even a silly video on social media. Taking a few minutes to watch or read something funny can help break the cycle of stress and give you a much-needed break.

    Breath Deep Through Your Nose 

    To practice deep breathing, simply close your eyes and focus on your breath. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, feeling your belly expand as you inhale. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your belly contract as you breathe out. Repeat this process for five slow, deep breaths.

    By focusing on your breath and blocking out distractions, you can create a sense of calm and relaxation in just a few minutes. This is why deep breathing is often used in meditation practices, as it can help quiet the mind and promote a sense of inner peace.

    Take a Walk

    Taking a walk is a simple yet effective way to quickly relax and reduce stress. Walking has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including improving mood, boosting energy levels, and reducing anxiety.

    When you take a walk, you give yourself a break from the stressors of everyday life and allow yourself to connect with the world around you. Walking outdoors, especially in a natural setting, can be particularly beneficial as it has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body.

    To get the most out of your walk, try to find a pretty place to walk while you're at it. This could be a park, a beach, a forest trail, or any other location that you find peaceful and relaxing. By surrounding yourself with natural beauty, you can create a sense of calm and relaxation that can help reduce stress and promote well-being.

    Give Someone a Hug

    Hugging someone is a simple yet effective way to quickly relax and reduce stress. Hugging has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including reducing anxiety, lowering blood pressure, and improving mood.

    When we hug someone, our body releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of bonding and relaxation. This can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.

    To get the most out of a hug, it's important to hug someone you feel comfortable hugging. This could be a friend, family member, or partner. It's also important to ensure that the hug is consensual and that both parties feel comfortable and safe.

    Interrupt Your Routine 

    One way to interrupt your routine is to stop and talk to someone you wouldn't normally talk to. This could be a stranger on the street, a coworker you don't usually interact with, or someone sleeping on a bench. By engaging with someone new, you can create a sense of connection and break out of your usual social patterns.

    Another way to interrupt your routine is to change your environment. For example, you could eat lunch on the roof instead of in the break room, or take a walk through a different part of town. By experiencing new sights and sounds, you can create a sense of novelty and excitement that can help reduce stress and promote well-being.

    Interrupting your routine can also be a great way to practice mindfulness. By breaking out of your usual patterns, you allow yourself to be fully present in the moment and experience the world around you. This can help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.


    Over time you can change to be more relaxed. Of course, if the thought of the work involved in this just stresses you more, you might want to take it slow. 

    By taking it slow, practicing simple techniques, and making lifestyle changes that support relaxation, you can become more skilled at managing stress and promoting relaxation. So why not try a few relaxation techniques today and see how they can help you feel more relaxed and at ease?

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  • How to Find Your True Self Again

    How to Find Your True Self Again

    On the surface, it seems an odd idea that you could actually be anything other than who you really are. But from the time we can talk, we’re being programmed to “fit in”. We find ourselves conforming in order to please the people we love, and who love us.

    But sometimes that means that you have to suppress what you know is the real person inside.

    And yet, your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have. Without a healthy relationship with yourself, it’s practically impossible to have healthy relationships with anyone else.

    If you’re ready to get reacquainted with someone you haven’t seen in a while – yourself – start with these 4 ideas to help you rediscover the real you.

    Quiet The Noises In Your Head

    The voices we hear inside our heads can be overwhelming at times, especially when they are urging us to attend to multiple responsibilities and tasks simultaneously. These voices can distract us from our inner voice, which is the one that helps us connect with our true selves. To hear our inner voice, it is essential to silence the noise from these other voices.

    To do this, we must create systems that help us simplify our lives and establish routines that streamline our daily activities. By doing this, we can avoid getting bogged down by the constant pressures and demands of daily life. Simplifying our lives allows us to free up mental space and energy, which we can then devote to discovering our true selves.

    In addition to setting up systems, it is important to establish an abundance mindset. When we operate from a position of scarcity, we tend to focus on the things we lack rather than the things we have. This can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, making it even harder to hear our inner voice. By contrast, when we focus on abundance, we recognize the good things in our lives, and this creates a positive cycle that fuels our self-discovery journey.

    Practice Thinking About Yourself In a Healthy Way

    To have a healthy relationship with ourselves, it is essential to think positively about ourselves. This means believing in one's value and recognizing that their true self has something unique to offer the world. Since we talk to ourselves more than anyone else in our lives, it is crucial to establish healthy communication in our thinking. To achieve this, we must pay attention to how we talk to ourselves, challenge negative thoughts, and replace them with facts.

    One way to practice healthy self-talk is to be conscious of the language we use when we talk to ourselves. We can write down the unhealthy things we say to ourselves and challenge them with rational responses. For instance, if we tell ourselves, "You never do anything right," we can challenge that thought by listing examples of things we did well in the past and acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of beating ourselves up over a mistake, we can learn from it and use the experience to improve and grow.

    By practicing positive self-talk, we can start to believe in ourselves, develop confidence and self-esteem, and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. This can also lead to better mental health and a greater sense of well-being. It is important to remember that self-improvement and self-discovery are ongoing journeys and that developing a healthy relationship with oneself is a process that takes time, effort, and patience.

    Listen to Your Heart

    As we grow older, we tend to rely more on our rational minds and less on our intuition or inner voice. We become more analytical and logical, and less in touch with our emotions and what truly matters to us. To reconnect with our true selves, we must listen to our hearts and integrate our emotional and rational selves.

    It is essential to learn how to identify and acknowledge our emotions and to allow ourselves to feel them fully. This means taking the time to sit with our emotions and explore why they are present. Instead of just thinking about how we feel about something, we should ask ourselves why it is important to us. This will help us to uncover the underlying beliefs and values that are driving our emotions.

    For example, if we feel sad or frustrated about a situation at work, we should take the time to explore why it is bothering us. Is it because we feel undervalued or unappreciated? Is it because we disagree with the way things are being done? By understanding the underlying reasons for our emotions, we can begin to take steps toward addressing them and finding solutions that are in alignment with our values and beliefs.

    Listening to our hearts and connecting with our emotions is not always easy. It can be uncomfortable to confront our feelings and explore the reasons behind them. However, it is essential to our personal growth and self-discovery. By reconnecting with our true selves and understanding what truly matters to us, we can make more authentic choices and live a more fulfilling life.

    Be Careful Not to Get Hung Up on a Specific Goal

    Often, when we set goals for ourselves, we focus on tangible things such as a promotion at work, a new car, or a romantic partner. However, what we are truly seeking is the feeling that we believe these things will bring us, such as respect, love, or appreciation. It is important to recognize that these feelings are the ultimate goal and to keep an open mind about the methods we use to achieve them.

    We must not only identify our goals but also explore how they align with our values and who we are as individuals. We need to be honest with ourselves about what truly makes us happy and fulfilled. By doing so, we can remove the mask we may be wearing and allow our true selves to shine through.

    When we accept our true selves and align our goals with our values, we make smarter choices that are more likely to stick. We are more motivated and invested in achieving our goals because they are in alignment with who we are as individuals. We can let go of the pressure to conform to external expectations and focus on what truly matters to us.

    Ultimately, the person we need to know and love first is ourselves. When we take the time to listen, understand, and accept our true selves, we can live a more authentic and fulfilling life. We can make choices that align with our values and bring us the feelings we are truly seeking. This is what we are really looking for, and it is within our reach if we are willing to take the time to connect with our true selves.


    When you accept your True Self again, you'll make smarter choices, and those choices will stick because they actually fit who you are. Now, that's what you're really looking for, isn't it?

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  • Hearing and Seeing Your Destiny

    Hearing and Seeing Your Destiny

    As a child, I read the autobiography of Anne Sullivan. She was the woman who brought Helen Keller out of her dark and silent world and into a place of understanding few of us in the hearing and seeing world fully grasp. It was one of the inspirations that I had to become a teacher. For a while, I even wanted to teach art at a school for the deaf. 

    What did you want to do as a child? Remember how it felt to fully believe that you could be an astronaut, the President or Prime Minister, an Academy Award-winning Actress, or an Olympian?

    Helen Keller made this suggestion to people as they worked towards making their goals real, and I would like to add a variation to her theme. "It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal." I would assert one step further, that your goal is not in the distance, but rather in each moment of each day.

    In choosing an overall life where your heart is in sync with your dreams and actions, the power and intention of each day create an effect of natural movement towards the life of your dreams, a life of empowerment for you and those around you, a life mapped by your destiny.

    How can I live my destiny? 

    Know that this is entirely possible for you, starting today. Instead of saying immediately, "Oh, I can't do that! No way!" ask yourself instead, "How can I live my destiny?" I challenge you to take the first few simple steps. Begin integrating these into your life today and watch what unfolds in the process.

    Believing that you are capable of achieving your dreams is the first step toward living your destiny. It is important to understand that the only thing holding you back is your own self-doubt and limiting beliefs. By changing your mindset and focusing on the possibilities, rather than the limitations, you open yourself up to endless opportunities.

    Instead of immediately dismissing a dream or goal as impossible, challenge yourself to think about how you can make it happen. This shift in mindset can open up new avenues for growth and development. It may require some creativity and problem-solving skills, but with persistence and determination, anything is possible.

    Start taking small steps toward your dream today. Break it down into manageable tasks and set achievable goals for yourself. As you make progress, you will gain confidence and momentum toward achieving your ultimate goal.

    Abundance is the truth

    Letting go of scarcity and lack is a powerful mindset shift that can help you achieve greater levels of success and fulfillment in your life. When you let go of the fear of not having enough, you open yourself up to the abundance that surrounds you.

    Fear is a powerful force that can hold you back from your greatness. It can cause you to doubt yourself, hesitate, and miss out on opportunities. When your mind races to thoughts of not being able to afford something, you limit your potential and put up roadblocks to your success.

    Instead, embrace the idea that abundance is the truth. You have everything that you need and more. This belief will help you to attract more abundance into your life and open up new possibilities.

    One way to start embracing abundance is to focus on gratitude. Take time each day to reflect on the things that you are thankful for in your life. This will help you to shift your focus away from what you lack and towards all the blessings you have.

    Another way to embrace abundance is to practice visualization. Take some time each day to visualize yourself living the life you want. Imagine yourself achieving your goals, surrounded by abundance and success. This practice will help you to attract the abundance you desire and keep you focused on your goals.

    You are valuable 

    Embracing the idea that each person is an equally magnificent creation can be a transformative experience. It means recognizing that you are just as valuable and important as anyone else on the planet. This mindset shift can help you to see the world in a more positive light and to embrace your unique purpose and destiny.

    When you understand that you are a magnificent creation with a unique purpose, it can give you a sense of confidence and direction. It helps you to realize that you have something important to offer to the world and that you are capable of making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

    From your core, there is a fountain or wellspring of possibilities. This means that within you, there is unlimited potential for growth and achievement. You just need to stay grounded and focused on your daily goals and intentions, taking actions that align with your purpose and calling.

    To live in alignment with the callings of your life, you need to be intentional about your actions and decisions. This means setting clear goals and priorities and making choices that support your vision for your life. It also means being willing to step outside of your comfort zone and take risks in pursuit of your dreams.


    You can do this. You are worth it. You are big enough, strong enough, sure enough, and have enough resources. Today! Here and Now!

    In a world where she could neither see nor hear in conventional ways, Helen Keller opened a world of possibilities to the seeing world. Embrace her expansive vision, play a symphony to her ears. Go to your destiny.

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  • Developing A Motivated Mindset

    Developing A Motivated Mindset

    From time to time, each of us will find ourselves in a rut of boredom and disinterest. We seem to lose our zest for life and feel tired, irritable, and unmotivated. We want to hide under the covers rather than face the day. Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed by work, or just bored with the routine of your daily life.

    You are not alone. We all go through periods like this at some point. The good news is that we can do something about it. Here are some tips to help break out of the rut and feel excited about life again:

    Take a "Time Out"

    In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a part of our daily lives. We are constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, facing deadlines, and dealing with unexpected challenges. Prolonged stress can take a toll on our mental and physical health, leaving us feeling drained and unmotivated. It can zap any enthusiasm we once had and make it hard to find the energy to pursue our goals. To combat this, it's important to take a few minutes each day to breathe and just be.

    Before doing anything else, find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Sit comfortably, with your feet flat on the ground and your hands resting on your lap. Close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose, feeling your chest expand. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through your mouth, feeling your body relax.

    As you continue to breathe deeply, try to empty your mind of all stress and worry. This can be difficult at first, but don't give up. As thoughts come into your mind, gently push them back out and continue to keep your mind empty and calm. You can also try visualizing a peaceful scene, such as a calm ocean or a quiet forest.

    While you're focusing on your breath and your mental relaxation, make sure that your body is also relaxed. Take slow, deep breaths, and let all of your muscles relax. Release any tension that you're holding in your neck, shoulders, or back. Allow yourself to sink deeper into relaxation.

    Get Inspired

    Read something motivational, inspirational, or uplifting. Look at some beautiful nature photos, or read something humorous. Consciously move your thoughts to a more positive place. Focusing on nothing but work and our daily tasks in life can leave us feeling pretty uninspired. It's easy to turn it around if we want to. We just have to seek out things that will lift our spirits and our moods. Make it a point to laugh, and be happy, joyful, and lighthearted each day. Don't wait for inspiration to come knocking on your door, go out and find it, or create it. Conjure up some funny or touching memories. Write them in a journal so you can go back and read them when you're feeling down.

    When we consciously move our thoughts to a more positive place, we can begin to shift our mindset and become more motivated and inspired. It's important to make it a point to focus on the things that bring us joy and happiness each day. This can mean taking a break from work to do something that we love, such as going for a walk in nature or spending time with loved ones.

    Get Excited

    When we start a new project or job, we often feel a surge of enthusiasm and excitement. However, as time goes by, it's easy to lose that initial spark and become bogged down by the daily grind. To rekindle that enthusiasm, it's important to take a moment to reflect on what originally got us excited.

    One way to do this is by revisiting our original goals and plans for the day. Think about the tasks you have planned and what originally made you excited to tackle them. This could be the opportunity to learn something new, the chance to help someone, or the satisfaction of completing a challenging task. Whatever it is, try to recapture that feeling and hold onto it throughout the day.

    Even if your tasks are not particularly exciting, it's important to identify the positive benefits they will bring. For example, doing the laundry may not be thrilling, but it will provide clean clothes for your family to wear. It's all about shifting your mindset and focusing on the positive outcomes.

    By identifying the payoff and focusing on the positive aspects of even the most mundane tasks, we can rekindle our enthusiasm and stay motivated throughout the day. It's important to remember that every task, no matter how small, has the potential to make a positive impact on our lives or the lives of others. By maintaining a positive outlook and staying focused on the benefits, we can find meaning and purpose in even the most routine tasks.

    Baby Steps

    When faced with a large and daunting project, it's common to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin. However, getting started is often the hardest part. To make the task seem more manageable, it's important to start small and break it down into smaller, more manageable steps.

    One effective technique is to set a timer for 15 minutes and just start working on the project. Give yourself permission to stop after 15 minutes if you want to, but more often than not, once we get started, we find ourselves wanting to keep going. By focusing on just 15 minutes at a time, we can overcome our initial resistance and gain momentum toward completing the task.

    Another useful strategy is to break the project down into smaller, more manageable steps. Instead of focusing on the big picture, take it one step at a time. Identify the smaller details and tackle them one by one. This can help to make the project seem less overwhelming and allow you to make steady progress toward the end goal.

    It's important to remember that even small steps can add up to significant progress over time. By taking it one step at a time and gradually working towards the larger goal, we can make steady progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.

    Care of the Body

    Sometimes we may feel fatigued and lack motivation due to physical deficiencies rather than mental exhaustion. Our bodies need to be nourished and taken care of to function properly. Ensuring that we get enough rest, eat healthy foods, drink enough water, and get regular exercise can go a long way in boosting our energy levels and improving our mood.

    Often, when we are busy, we may resort to grabbing fast food or processed snacks instead of taking the time to prepare healthy meals. However, these types of foods lack essential nutrients and can leave us feeling sluggish and tired. It's important to make a conscious effort to eat a balanced diet that provides our bodies with the necessary vitamins and minerals to function optimally.

    Drinking enough water is also crucial for maintaining our energy levels. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and decreased cognitive function. It's recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day to stay properly hydrated.

    Regular exercise is another important aspect of maintaining our physical health and energy levels. Exercise helps to boost our mood, increase energy, and improve sleep quality. Even a short walk or some stretching can help to boost our energy and motivation levels.


    Remember to reward yourself from time to time, and be gentle with yourself! There will always be things that "need" to be done. But some of us take on way more than we can handle, and our lives turn into a pit of drudgery because of it. Try to eliminate the things that truly don't bring you joy, or at least minimize the time you spend on them. Do what you can, and let the rest go. Or ask for help. Don't feel you have to do everything yourself.

    Motivation, just like happiness, is something we CHOOSE. We may need to give ourselves a little push at the beginning, but once we get into the right mindset, it's simple to stay there if we choose to.

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